Wells at St. Vincent (Pa.)
3/25/2023 at 12:31 pm

Final 1 2 3 Score
St. Vincent (Pa.) (8-8,6-4 AMCC) 25 25 25 3
Wells (3-16,0-9 AMCC) 20 21 17 0
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
Wells -- 1st -- SVC
  M-30064 starters: Zach, Wyant; Zachary, Mumpower; Matthew, Minkin; Michael, Pollak; Chrystiaan, Sexton; Shawn, McSwiggen.  
  M-761 starters: Confidence, Burrowes; Isaiah, Johnson; Harrison, Keena; Connor, Garvey; Billy, McCrae; Mason, Moon.  
[Keena, Harrison] Kill by Sexton, Chrystiaan (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 0-1
[Minkin, Matthew] Kill by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 0-2
1-2 [Minkin, Matthew] Kill by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
2-2 [Burrowes, Confidence] Attack error by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
[Burrowes, Confidence] Kill by Pollak, Michael (from Sexton, Chrystiaan). Point SVC 2-3
[Pollak, Michael] Bad set by Moon, Mason. Point SVC 2-4
3-4 [Pollak, Michael] Service error. Point Wells
[Moon, Mason] Kill by Mumpower, Zachary (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 3-5
  SVC subs: Canty, Josh.  
[Canty, Josh] Kill by Mumpower, Zachary. Point SVC 3-6
4-6 [Canty, Josh] Attack error by McSwiggen, Shawn (block by Garvey, Connor). Point Wells
5-6 [Garvey, Connor] Kill by Moon, Mason (from McCrae, Billy). Point Wells
6-6 [Garvey, Connor] Attack error by McSwiggen, Shawn (block by Johnson, Isaiah; McCrae, Billy). Point Wells
7-6 [Garvey, Connor] Attack error by Wyant, Zach (block by Johnson, Isaiah). Point Wells
8-6 [Garvey, Connor] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Garvey, Connor] Attack error by Keena, Harrison (from Garvey, Connor). Point SVC 8-7
9-7 [McSwiggen, Shawn] Service error. Point Wells
  Wells subs: Anderson, Alex.  
[Anderson, Alex] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 9-8
  SVC subs: Laun, Stephen.  
10-8 [Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
11-8 [McCrae, Billy] Attack error by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
[McCrae, Billy] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 11-9
  Wells subs: Nemeth, Sean.  
12-9 [Wyant, Zach] Kill by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Keena, Harrison] Service error. Point SVC 12-10
13-10 [Minkin, Matthew] Kill by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Burrowes, Confidence] Service error. Point SVC 13-11
14-11 [Pollak, Michael] Kill by Johnson, Isaiah (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Moon, Mason] Service error. Point SVC 14-12
15-12 [Canty, Josh] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
16-12 [Garvey, Connor] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
17-12 [Garvey, Connor] Bad set by McSwiggen, Shawn. Point Wells
[Garvey, Connor] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Canty, Josh). Point SVC 17-13
18-13 [McSwiggen, Shawn] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Anderson, Alex] Service error. Point SVC 18-14
[Laun, Stephen] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 18-15
[Laun, Stephen] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 18-16
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Burrowes, Confidence (block by Pollak, Michael; Minkin, Matthew). Point SVC 18-17
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point SVC 18-18
[Laun, Stephen] Kill by Pollak, Michael (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 18-19
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Keena, Harrison (block by Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 18-20
[Laun, Stephen] Kill by Wyant, Zach (from Laun, Stephen). Point SVC 18-21
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Moon, Mason. Point SVC 18-22
19-22 [Laun, Stephen] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[McCrae, Billy] Attack error by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point SVC 19-23
[Wyant, Zach] Attack error by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point SVC 19-24
20-24 [Wyant, Zach] Attack error by Minkin, Matthew (from McSwiggen, Shawn). Point Wells
[Keena, Harrison] Kill by Sexton, Chrystiaan (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 20-25
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Wells -- 2nd -- SVC
  SVC subs: Laun, Stephen.  
  M-30064 starters: Zach, Wyant; Zachary, Mumpower; Matthew, Minkin; Michael, Pollak; Chrystiaan, Sexton; Shawn, McSwiggen; Matthew, Klasnic; Josh, Canty; Stephen, Laun.  
  M-761 starters: Confidence, Burrowes; Isaiah, Johnson; Harrison, Keena; Connor, Garvey; Billy, McCrae; Mason, Moon; Qulik, Evans; Alex, Anderson; Sean, Nemeth.  
  SVC subs: Canty, Josh.  
  Wells subs: Anderson, Alex; McCrae, Billy.  
1-0 [Minkin, Matthew] Kill by Keena, Harrison (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
2-0 [Keena, Harrison] Service ace (Team). Point Wells
3-0 [Keena, Harrison] Bad set by Minkin, Matthew. Point Wells
[Keena, Harrison] Kill by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 3-1
4-1 [Pollak, Michael] Service error. Point Wells
[Burrowes, Confidence] Kill by Mumpower, Zachary (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 4-2
  SVC subs: Canty, Josh.  
5-2 [Canty, Josh] Kill by Johnson, Isaiah (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Moon, Mason] Kill by Wyant, Zach (from Canty, Josh). Point SVC 5-3
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Service ace (Team). Point SVC 5-4
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Service ace (Team). Point SVC 5-5
6-5 [McSwiggen, Shawn] Attack error by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
[Garvey, Connor] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 6-6
  SVC subs: Laun, Stephen.  
7-6 [Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
  Wells subs: Anderson, Alex.  
[Anderson, Alex] Kill by Pollak, Michael (from Wyant, Zach), block error by Garvey, Connor. Point SVC 7-7
  Wells subs: McCrae, Billy.  
8-7 [Wyant, Zach] Service error. Point Wells
[McCrae, Billy] Kill by Pollak, Michael. Point SVC 8-8
9-8 [Minkin, Matthew] Bad set by McSwiggen, Shawn. Point Wells
10-8 [Keena, Harrison] Attack error by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
11-8 [Keena, Harrison] Kill by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Keena, Harrison] Kill by Sexton, Chrystiaan (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 11-9
[Pollak, Michael] Kill by Mumpower, Zachary (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 11-10
12-10 [Pollak, Michael] Kill by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Burrowes, Confidence] Attack error by Johnson, Isaiah. Point SVC 12-11
13-11 [Canty, Josh] Kill by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Moon, Mason] Kill by Wyant, Zach (from Canty, Josh). Point SVC 13-12
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 13-13
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Service ace (Keena, Harrison). Point SVC 13-14
14-14 [McSwiggen, Shawn] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Garvey, Connor] Service error. Point SVC 14-15
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by McCrae, Billy (block by Minkin, Matthew). Point SVC 14-16
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Keena, Harrison (block by Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 14-17
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Keena, Harrison (from Moon, Mason). Point SVC 14-18
[Laun, Stephen] Bad set by Moon, Mason. Point SVC 14-19
15-19 [Laun, Stephen] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Johnson, Isaiah). Point Wells
[Anderson, Alex] Kill by Wyant, Zach (from Canty, Josh). Point SVC 15-20
[Wyant, Zach] Service ace (Team). Point SVC 15-21
16-21 [Wyant, Zach] Service error. Point Wells
17-21 [McCrae, Billy] Attack error by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
[McCrae, Billy] Kill by Sexton, Chrystiaan (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 17-22
18-22 [Minkin, Matthew] Kill by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Keena, Harrison] Kill by Sexton, Chrystiaan (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 18-23
19-23 [Pollak, Michael] Attack error by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
[Burrowes, Confidence] Service error. Point SVC 19-24
20-24 [Canty, Josh] Kill by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
21-24 [Moon, Mason] Attack error by Wyant, Zach (block by Garvey, Connor). Point Wells
[Moon, Mason] Service error. Point SVC 21-25
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Wells -- 3rd -- SVC
  SVC subs: Laun, Stephen; Canty, Josh.  
  Wells subs: Anderson, Alex.  
  M-30064 starters: Zach, Wyant; Zachary, Mumpower; Matthew, Minkin; Michael, Pollak; Chrystiaan, Sexton; Shawn, McSwiggen; Matthew, Klasnic; Josh, Canty; Stephen, Laun.  
  M-761 starters: Confidence, Burrowes; Isaiah, Johnson; Harrison, Keena; Connor, Garvey; Mason, Moon; Qulik, Evans; Sean, Nemeth; Alex, Anderson; Billy, McCrae.  
  Wells subs: Nemeth, Sean.  
[Keena, Harrison] Kill by Sexton, Chrystiaan (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 0-1
1-1 [Minkin, Matthew] Kill by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Burrowes, Confidence] Kill by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Pollak, Michael). Point SVC 1-2
[Pollak, Michael] Kill by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Minkin, Matthew). Point SVC 1-3
[Pollak, Michael] Kill by Sexton, Chrystiaan (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 1-4
[Pollak, Michael] Attack error by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point SVC 1-5
2-5 [Pollak, Michael] Service error. Point Wells
[Coach] Sanction (Wells) Point SVC 2-6
  SVC subs: Canty, Josh.  
3-6 [Canty, Josh] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
4-6 [Garvey, Connor] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Garvey, Connor). Point Wells
[Garvey, Connor] Attack error by McCrae, Billy (block by Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 4-7
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Kill by Wyant, Zach. Point SVC 4-8
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Service ace (Team). Point SVC 4-9
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Service ace (Team). Point SVC 4-10
[McSwiggen, Shawn] Attack error by Keena, Harrison (from Moon, Mason). Point SVC 4-11
5-11 [McSwiggen, Shawn] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
  Wells subs: Anderson, Alex.  
6-11 [Anderson, Alex] Attack error by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
[Anderson, Alex] Attack error by McCrae, Billy (block by Minkin, Matthew). Point SVC 6-12
  SVC subs: Laun, Stephen.  
7-12 [Laun, Stephen] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
8-12 [McCrae, Billy] Kill by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[McCrae, Billy] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 8-13
9-13 [Wyant, Zach] Service error. Point Wells
[Keena, Harrison] Service error. Point SVC 9-14
10-14 [Minkin, Matthew] Kill by Burrowes, Confidence (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Burrowes, Confidence] Kill by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 10-15
[Pollak, Michael] Attack error by Garvey, Connor (block by Sexton, Chrystiaan). Point SVC 10-16
[Pollak, Michael] Bad set by Moon, Mason. Point SVC 10-17
11-17 [Pollak, Michael] Kill by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Moon, Mason] Kill by Mumpower, Zachary (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 11-18
[Canty, Josh] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Canty, Josh). Point SVC 11-19
12-19 [Canty, Josh] Kill by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Garvey, Connor] Kill by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Canty, Josh). Point SVC 12-20
13-20 [McSwiggen, Shawn] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
[Anderson, Alex] Kill by McSwiggen, Shawn (from Wyant, Zach). Point SVC 13-21
[Laun, Stephen] Attack error by Burrowes, Confidence (block by Pollak, Michael). Point SVC 13-22
14-22 [Laun, Stephen] Kill by McCrae, Billy (from Moon, Mason). Point Wells
15-22 [McCrae, Billy] Attack error by Pollak, Michael (from Wyant, Zach). Point Wells
16-22 [McCrae, Billy] Kill by Keena, Harrison (from Moon, Mason), block error by Wyant, Zach. Point Wells
[McCrae, Billy] Kill by Minkin, Matthew (from Klasnic, Matthew). Point SVC 16-23
17-23 [Wyant, Zach] Service error. Point Wells
[Keena, Harrison] Service error. Point SVC 17-24
[Minkin, Matthew] Attack error by Garvey, Connor (from Moon, Mason). Point SVC 17-25
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