Take Part In Indoor Soccer Tournament Hosted By Women's Soccer
The Wells College women's soccer team is hosting a 4-on-4 indoor soccer tournament Sunday, March 26 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Schwartz Athletic Center Main Gym.
Rosters must have at least four players and a maximum of six players. Any team that is registered must include at least one female and at least one non-Wells College women's or men's soccer student-athlete. In order to register, a team representative must contact either Sarah Halstead (skhalstead14) or Yanna Ososkalo (yososkalo14) via email by March 24 with team information to include team name, t-shirt color, a team contact, and names of the individuals on the roster.
Cost of registration is $5 per player. Proceeds will go toward fundraising efforts for the Wells College women's soccer program. The tournament fee is due at the check-in at the tournament on March 26, without exception. Check-in begins at 11:15 a.m. and the tournament begins at noon.
The tournament rules include that games will last 15 minutes. Teams will play in a bracket-style elimination format. Four players from each team will be on the floor at one time. Substitutions will take place on the fly. Winning team members will receive gift cards. Varsity soccer players are not eligible to win prizes.
A first aid responder will be on site in case of emergency.
Along with registration, each participant must bring the attached liability and waiver form, completed.
Liability and Waiver Form (.doc)